Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Journey

 I have always wanted to be a writer. Ever since I was a child I kept a journal. To me, there is something magical about being able to express yourself through writing. I think perhaps its how words can paint a realm of reality in your mind. How the words as you read them, even something as small as directions comes to life. I have always felt and feel today that being able to write is very powerful. Ill admit it has been a lost art so to speak in the past few years. I just have been busy, and to disconnected from myself to even allow myself to pick up a pen regularly.

 So I decided to start this blog for the purpose of helping me grow. Grow, in the sense of reconnecting with myself, what I think, believe and ponder. I need an outlet, and what better way than to create a blog to share my life as well as play catch up in the technology department. I must admit, I am still conflicted on this whole tech savvy world we so rapidly came into. I know I am too young to be as behind the times as I am. Not by lack of being around technology as so much lack of desire to use it.

 You see I believe in a simple world. In my perfect world, we would all live very humble with the world around us. We would appreciate the earth for what it we have here. To feel, smell, and live all of the senses we have dulled since the turn of the century. We have been chasing a true illusion of "happiness" that we need to have these things, credit scores, large sq. feet houses, so much money in the bank to feel 'secure' and so on and so forth.

  Unfortunately, I have to change pace with this idea. I have to work, which is not a bad thing. Once I felt even working a "career" was bogus illusion because half the jobs are made up but this material world only to continue the illusion of what the 'real life' is. ( yeah I think I took a temporary hippy shift there) I don't want you to think I was some low life that didn't want to get a job, so I sold fruit off the freeway or something. I was a stay at home mother, who was in crisis soul searching trying to make since of how miserable I was in my life. I fled to Christ to protect my ego, my mind, and mental state of my life. I am still having a trouble with my spiritual life. I have looked into everything from fundamental christian to Hindu. I love the tradition of Judaism and they way they believe life is to be enjoyed. It is not as dark as Christianity can be, but it also not as refreshing to someone who feels they have led a life of sin. Hindu faith allows for my belief in the stars and other ways aside from prayer to assist in your daily life. Also allows metaphysics to be not only acknowledge but practiced before 'metaphysics' was even heard of.

 Any who, I found in the midst of my spiritual journey and life as a mother. I checked out of the tech world. Regardless what I believe the world trudges on and I cannot fall behind.

 This is my journey to find that Happy place, where everything is in balance and peace can resound around me as well as in me.



  1. Very proud of you. I can't wait to see what you find. Im with you in the journey. -Nish

  2. Thank you! I miss you terrible!

  3. I believe you will find that happy place. I also believe that you do not have to have a religion To be spiritual. I love that you are in touch with God and that you have holy spirits all around you. I am so happy that you want to write again. You are a nurturer. God didn't give you seven children for nothing. Go with your gut intuition don't worry about the world. You are very intuitive at such a young age, Don't let the People and the material world drown you. You are a kind soul. I love you, mom
