Sunday, August 3, 2014

just can't keep it together

          It seems everyday I either have a sense of clarity or the fog becomes more dense. I just can't keep my mind straight. Today is the day before my 24th birthday, 3 days before my real estate exam, 7 days before the first day of the new school year for my 2 oldest and my teenage (soon to be) step daughter. That is just the short list! No wonder I can't concentrate!
          It feels good to get back in the swing of things. Bedtime routines, chores, pending schedules just waiting to fall into the daily schedule. In the midst of this joyous chaos, I feel a tug at my heart. I so desperately want to find a peace with in. I know its the Lord knocking. I just feel so lost when it comes to answering His call. As I stated in the post previous to this, I feel a drawl to lots of religions. Finding the one for me is becoming like a cloud that is blocking me from the light- quite literally! How can I experience God's rays of light if I have a GIANT CLOUD OF DOUBT HOVERING OVER ME?! It is quite frustrating if you consider what I am going through. The constant turmoil...
            I can feel Christ coming to me. I can still hear his voice to follow Him in the back of my mind. I shall sit and ponder on His voice. I need to send my worries to Him and remember all glories to His name.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have alot on your plate! take it one day at a time and just know that Christ will always be there waiting for you with open arms :)
